Selection processes

The postdoctoral program consists of an internship period offered by the PPGG for holders of a doctorate in Geography or related areas, for a period of 3 months to 5 years, and aims at professional improvement and the expansion of academic and scientific cooperation in scientific research and/or technological innovation groups at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. It primarily involves carrying out research activities, under the supervision of a permanent PPGG professor, and does not constitute a course or level of training, nor does it result in the obtaining of an academic degree or title. The postdoctoral program is governed by Resolution no. 18/2021 of CEPE-Ufes.

Special student
The PPGG may accept special students to take courses, through a public notice of prior selection process published every semester. The approval obtained as a special student will be valid for 2 (two) years and, during this period, the courses and credits completed may be recorded in the academic record if the student becomes a regular student. The maximum number of courses to be taken by the special student is two, not exceeding one course per semester.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910