Frequently Asked Questions
What types of postgraduate courses does PPGG offer?
PPGG offers academic Master's and academic Doctorate courses.
Are the PPGG Master's and Doctorate courses paid for?
No. The Master's and Doctorate courses are free because they are directly funded by the federal government.
Do the Master's and Doctorate courses require full-time dedication? The Master's or Doctorate student must have time available to attend the courses, develop activities in laboratories, participate in seminars, supervision meetings and prepare their dissertation or thesis. Scholarship holders are required to work full-time, according to the resolutions of the funding agencies that grant the scholarships.
What are the times when the PPGG courses are taught?
The PPGG courses are taught primarily, but not necessarily, in the evening. Exceptionally, concentrated or remote courses are offered if they are courses promoted by research networks. The offer of courses, with their respective times, is defined every semester for enrollment.
Are there scholarships? How many?
The PPGG receives quotas of research grants and competes in calls for proposals from funding agencies to expand this offer. The number of grants varies and their distribution is made by the PPGG Grants Committee, based on criteria approved by the program's Board.
What is the selection process for admission to the PPGG Master's and Doctorate courses?
An annual notice is published, usually in the second semester, with the rules, calendar, criteria and mandatory documentation. The selection process consists of, at least, acceptance by the advisor through blind analysis of the project, proof of proficiency in foreign languages (one for the Master's and two for the Doctorate), evaluation of the research project through a defense by the candidate and a score on the candidate's Lattes CV.