Program historical
The Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGG) was created by the professors of the Geography Department of Ufes and began in 2008 with the Master's degree in Geography, promoting in-depth studies of the Espírito Santo region, in its social, economic and environmental aspects, and also meeting the demand for qualifications of professionals who graduated from the Bachelor's and Teaching Degree courses in Geography at Ufes, courses that have been in operation since the 1950s. After its implementation and in view of the good results obtained in the CAPES evaluations, the Doctorate course in Geography was created, starting in 2015.
The PPGG is the only program that offers Master's and Doctorate degrees in Geography in Espírito Santo, and its area of influence extends throughout the South of Bahia, East of Minas Gerais, as well as the North of Rio de Janeiro.
Graduates and enrolled:The program already has 205 masters and 53 doctors and counts with 116 students regularly enrolled, being 52 in the masters and 64 in the doctorate.